Source code for utah.client.result

# Ubuntu Testing Automation Harness
# Copyright 2012 Canonical Ltd.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published
# by the Free Software Foundation.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of
# PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Provide functionality for test result handling."""

import json
import pprint
import sys

import yaml

from contextlib import contextmanager

from utah.client.common import (

[docs]class Result(object): """Result collection class. :params filename: Filename where the report should be written to or None to print it to `sys.stdout` :type filename: str | None :param append_to_file: Whether results should be appended to the results from a previous execution or not. If that's the case, then `filename` is read to get the old results. :type append_to_file: bool """ def __init__(self, filename, append_to_file, name=None, testsuite=None, testcase=None, runlist=None, install_type=None): self.results = [] self.status = 'PASS' self.filename = filename self.append_to_file = append_to_file = name self.testsuite = testsuite self.testcase = testcase self.runlist = runlist self.install_type = install_type self.probe_data = {} self.packages = None self.delta_packages = None self.errors = 0 self.fetch_errors = 0 self.failures = 0 self.passes = 0
[docs] def load(self, old_results): """Load results from a previous run in which a reboot happened. :param old_results: Old results as loaded from the report file :type old_results: str .. seealso:: :meth:`_payload` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_result(self, result, extra_info=None): """Add a result to the object. Note: 'result' is expected to be a dictionary like this:: { 'command': '', 'returncode': 0, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': '', 'start_time': '', 'time_delta': '', } """ if result is None: return if extra_info is None: extra_info = {} # Add items from extra_info into the result if len(extra_info) > 0: result['extra_info'] = extra_info if self.testsuite is not None: result['testsuite'] = self.testsuite if self.testcase is not None: result['testcase'] = self.testcase self.results.append(result) if result['returncode'] != 0 and self.status != 'ERROR': self.status = 'FAIL'
[docs] def get_result_file(self): """Return file object to use to write the report.""" if self.filename: if self.append_to_file: open_flags = 'a' else: open_flags = 'w' with open(self.filename, open_flags) as fp: yield fp else: fp = sys.stdout yield fp
[docs] def result(self, verbose=False): """Output a text based result. :param verbose: Enable verbose mode :type verbose: bool :returns: Status 'PASS' 'FAIL' or 'ERROR' :rtype: str """ status = self.status sep = '-' * 70 with self.get_result_file() as output_file: output_file.write('{}\n'.format(sep)) if output_file.write('{}\n{}\n'.format(, sep)) for result in self.results: output_file.write( 'command: {}\n' 'returned: {}\n' 'started: {}\n' 'runtime: {}\n' .format(result['command'], result['returncode'], result['start_time'], result['time_delta'])) if self.testsuite is not None: output_file.write('testsuite: {}\n'.format(self.testsuite)) if self.testcase is not None: output_file.write('testcase: {}\n'.format(self.testcase)) if self.runlist is not None: output_file.write('runlist: {}\n'.format(self.runlist)) if self.status != 'PASS' or verbose and result['stdout'] != '': output_file.write('stdout:\n{}\n'.format(result['stdout'])) if self.status != 'PASS' or verbose and result['stderr'] != '': output_file.write('stderr:\n{}\n'.format(result['stderr'])) output_file.write('\n') data = self._payload() for key, value in data.iteritems(): output_file.write('{}: {}\n' .format(key, pprint.pformat(value))) self._clear_results() return status
def _clear_results(self): """Reset the list of results so this object can be reused.""" self.results = [] # reset the status, this should be safe since the only places that # should be calling _clear_results() is, #, and runner after attempting to fetch the testsuite. self.status = 'PASS' def _count_results(self): return len(self.results) def _payload(self): """Construct the result payload. :returns: Test result :rtype: dict """ host_info = get_host_info() data = { 'runlist': self.runlist, 'commands': self.results, 'errors': self.errors, 'failures': self.failures, 'fetch_errors': self.fetch_errors, 'passes': self.passes, 'uname': list(host_info['uname']), 'media-info': host_info['media-info'], 'install_type': self.install_type, 'build_number': get_build_number(), 'release': get_release(), 'ran_at': self.results[0]['start_time'], 'arch': get_arch(), 'name':, 'packages': self.packages, 'delta_packages': self.delta_packages, 'probes': self.probe_data, } return data # Trick to get strings printed as literal blocks # inspired by:
class _LiteralString(object): def __init__(self, str_data): self.str_data = str_data def _literal_block(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:str', data.str_data, style='|') yaml.add_representer(_LiteralString, _literal_block)
[docs]class ResultYAML(Result): """Return results in a YAML format.""" def _literalize(self, data): """Transform long strings into literal blocks. :param data: Data to literalize :type data: string, dict, or list :returns: literalized form of data :rtype: str, dict, or list """ if isinstance(data, basestring) and '\n' in data: # Remove trailing whitespace to serialize in yaml # as a literal string lines = [line.rstrip() for line in data.splitlines()] return _LiteralString('\n'.join(lines)) if isinstance(data, dict): for key, value in data.iteritems(): data[key] = self._literalize(value) elif isinstance(data, list): data = [self._literalize(element) for element in data] return data
[docs] def result(self, verbose=False): """Output a YAML result. :returns: Status 'PASS' 'FAIL' or 'ERROR' :rtype: str """ if self.results: data = self._literalize(self._payload()) with self.get_result_file() as output_file: yaml.dump(data, output_file, explicit_start='---', default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True) status = self.status self._clear_results() return status
[docs] def load(self, old_results): """Load results from a previous run in which a reboot happened. :param old_results: Old results as loaded from the report file :type old_results: str .. seealso:: :meth:`_payload` """ data = yaml.load(old_results) self.runlist = data['runlist'] self.results = data['commands'] self.errors = data['errors'] self.failures = data['failures'] self.fetch_errors = data['fetch_errors'] self.passes = data['passes'] self.install_type = data['install_type'] = data['name']
[docs]class ResultJSON(Result): """Return results in a JSON format."""
[docs] def result(self, _verbose=False): """Output a JSON result. :returns: Status 'PASS' 'FAIL' or 'ERROR' :rtype: str """ if self.results: data = self._payload() with self.get_result_file() as output_file: json.dump(data, output_file, indent=4) status = self.status self._clear_results() return status # Map output format to the class that implements such a format
classes = {'text': Result, 'yaml': ResultYAML, 'json': ResultJSON, }
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