Source code for utah.provisioning.ssh

# Ubuntu Testing Automation Harness
# Copyright 2012 Canonical Ltd.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published
# by the Free Software Foundation.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of
# PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program.  If not, see <>.

SSH based machine class for a provisioned system
and SSHMixin for every machine class that needs SSH support.

import logging
import os
import signal
import socket

from stat import S_ISDIR
from traceback import format_exc

import paramiko

import utah.timeout

from utah.config import config
from utah.provisioning.exceptions import UTAHProvisioningException
from utah.provisioning.provisioning import Machine
from utah.retry import retry

[docs]class SSHMixin(object): """Provide methods for machines accessed via ssh.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Note: Since this is a mixin it doesn't expect any argument # However, it calls super to initialize any other mixins in the mro super(SSHMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.initialize()
[docs] def initialize(self): """SSH mixin initialization. Use this method when it isn't appropriate to follow the MRO as in __init__ """ ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.ssh_client = ssh_client self.ssh_logger = logging.getLogger('ssh')
[docs] def run(self, command, quiet=False, root=False, command_timeout=None): """Run a command through SSH. :param command: Command to execute on the remote machine :type command: str | list(str) :param quiet: Use debug level to log failure return command message when this flag is set. Otherwise, use warning. :type quiet: bool :param root: Run command as root user when this flag is set. Otherwise, use the user specified in the configuration file. :type root: bool :param command_timeout: Amount of time in seconds to wait for the command to complete. .. seealso:: :func:`utah.timeout.timeout` :type command_timeout: int """ if isinstance(command, basestring): commandstring = command else: commandstring = ' '.join(command) if root: user = 'root' else: user = config.user self.activecheck() # Some commands expect run to return the output status of the command # We're going to try the method described here: # # With additions from here: # # stefan/automating-remote-commands-over-ssh-paramiko/ self.ssh_logger.debug('Connecting SSH') retval = 'not run' try: self.ssh_client.connect(, username=user, key_filename=config.sshprivatekey) self.ssh_logger.debug('Opening SSH session') channel = self.ssh_client.get_transport().open_session()'Running command through SSH: {}' .format(commandstring)) stdout = channel.makefile('rb') stderr = channel.makefile_stderr('rb') # Get remaining SIGALRM timeout alarm_timeout = signal.alarm(0) signal.alarm(alarm_timeout) # Discard 0 or None timeout values timeouts = filter(None, [command_timeout, alarm_timeout]) if timeouts: timeout = min(timeouts) channel.settimeout(timeout) channel.exec_command(commandstring) try: # Make sure socket.timeout is raised channel.recv(0) except socket.timeout: self.ssh_logger.debug(format_exc()) raise utah.timeout.UTAHTimeout( 'SSH command timed out {!r} after {} seconds' .format(commandstring, timeout)) retval = channel.recv_exit_status() except paramiko.BadHostKeyException as err: self.ssh_logger.debug(format_exc()) raise UTAHProvisioningException( 'Host key exception encountered; ' 'machine may be in use by another process: {}' .format(err), external=True) except (paramiko.AuthenticationException, paramiko.SSHException, socket.error) as err: self.ssh_logger.debug(format_exc()) raise UTAHProvisioningException(err) finally: self.ssh_logger.debug('Closing SSH connection') self.ssh_client.close() if retval == 0: self.ssh_logger.debug('Return code: {}'.format(retval)) else: if quiet: log_method = self.ssh_logger.debug else: log_method = self.ssh_logger.warning log_method( 'SSH command ({}) failed with return code: {}' .format(commandstring, retval)) self.ssh_logger.debug('Standard output follows:') stdout_lines = stdout.readlines() for line in stdout_lines: self.ssh_logger.debug(line.strip()) self.ssh_logger.debug('Standard error follows:') stderr_lines = stderr.readlines() for line in stderr_lines: self.ssh_logger.debug(line.strip()) return retval, ''.join(stdout_lines), ''.join(stderr_lines)
@staticmethod def _check_files(files): failed = [] for f in files: if not os.path.isfile(f): failed.append(f) if len(failed): msg = 'Files do not exist: {}'.format(' '.join(failed)) err = UTAHProvisioningException(msg) err.files = failed raise err
[docs] def uploadfiles(self, files, target=os.path.normpath('/tmp/')): """Copy a file or list of files to a target directory on the machine. :param files: File or list of files to upload :type files: list or str :param target: Remote path to upload files :type target: str """ if isinstance(files, basestring): files = [files] self._check_files(files) self.activecheck() sftp_client = None try: self.ssh_client.connect(, username=config.user, key_filename=config.sshprivatekey) sftp_client = self.ssh_client.open_sftp() for localpath in files: 'Uploading %s from the host to %s on the machine', localpath, target) remotepath = os.path.join(target, os.path.basename(localpath)) sftp_client.put(localpath, remotepath) except paramiko.BadHostKeyException as err: self.ssh_logger.debug(format_exc()) raise UTAHProvisioningException( 'Host key exception encountered; ' 'machine may be in use by another process: {}' .format(err), external=True) except (paramiko.AuthenticationException, paramiko.SSHException, socket.error) as err: self.ssh_logger.debug(format_exc()) raise UTAHProvisioningException(err) finally: self.ssh_client.close() if sftp_client: sftp_client.close()
[docs] def downloadfiles(self, files, target=os.path.normpath('/tmp/')): """Copy a file or list of files from the machine to a local target. :param files: File or list of files to download :type files: list or str :param target: Local path to download files :type target: str """ if isinstance(files, basestring): files = [files] self.activecheck() if os.path.isdir(target): get_localpath = lambda remotepath: \ os.path.join(target, os.path.basename(remotepath)) else: get_localpath = lambda remotepath: target sftp_client = None try: self.ssh_client.connect(, username=config.user, key_filename=config.sshprivatekey) sftp_client = self.ssh_client.open_sftp() for remotepath in files: localpath = get_localpath(remotepath)'Downloading {} from the machine ' 'to {} on the host' .format(remotepath, target)) sftp_client.get(remotepath, localpath) except paramiko.BadHostKeyException as err: self.ssh_logger.debug(format_exc()) raise UTAHProvisioningException( 'Host key exception encountered; ' 'machine may be in use by another process: {}' .format(err), external=True) except (paramiko.AuthenticationException, paramiko.SSHException, socket.error) as err: self.ssh_logger.debug(format_exc()) raise UTAHProvisioningException(err) finally: self.ssh_client.close() if sftp_client: sftp_client.close()
[docs] def downloadfilesrecursive(self, files, target=os.path.normpath('/tmp/')): """Recursively copy files to the target directory on the machine. :param files: File or list of files to download :type files: list or str :param target: Local path to download files :type target: str """ # TODO: See if we can make this the default downloadfiles self.activecheck() self.ssh_client.connect(, username=config.user, key_filename=config.sshprivatekey) sftp_client = self.ssh_client.open_sftp() myfiles = [] if isinstance(files, basestring): files = [files] for myfile in files: newtarget = os.path.join(target, os.path.basename(myfile)) if S_ISDIR(sftp_client.stat(myfile).st_mode): self.ssh_logger.debug('%s is a directory, recursing', myfile) if not os.path.isdir(newtarget): self.ssh_logger.debug('Attempting to create %s', newtarget) os.makedirs(newtarget) myfiles = [os.path.join(myfile, x) for x in sftp_client.listdir(myfile)] self.downloadfilesrecursive(myfiles, newtarget) else: self.downloadfiles(myfile, newtarget)
[docs] def sshcheck(self): """Check if the machine is available via ssh. .. seealso:: :func:`utah.retry.retry`, :meth:`sshpoll` """'Checking for ssh availability') try: self.ssh_client.connect(, username=config.user, key_filename=config.sshprivatekey) except paramiko.BadHostKeyException as err: self.ssh_logger.debug(format_exc()) raise UTAHProvisioningException( 'Host key exception encountered; ' 'machine may be in use by another process: {}' .format(err), external=True) except (paramiko.AuthenticationException, paramiko.SSHException) as err: self.ssh_logger.debug(format_exc()) raise UTAHProvisioningException(err) except socket.error as err: self.ssh_logger.debug(format_exc()) raise UTAHProvisioningException(str(err), retry=True) finally: self.ssh_client.close()
[docs] def sshpoll(self, timeout=config.boottimeout, checktimeout=config.checktimeout, logmethod=None): """Run sshcheck over and over until timeout expires. :param timeout: Overall timeout for checking :type timeout: int or None :param checktimeout: Time between each check :type checktimeout: int :param logmethod: Method to use for logging :type logmethod: function """ if logmethod is None: logmethod = self.ssh_logger.debug utah.timeout.timeout(timeout, retry, self.sshcheck, logmethod=logmethod, retry_timeout=checktimeout)
[docs] def activecheck(self): """Start the machine if needed, and check for SSH login.""" self.logger.debug('Checking if machine is active') self.provisioncheck() if not self._start() self.sshcheck()
[docs]class ProvisionedMachine(SSHMixin, Machine): """A machine that is provisioned and can be accessed through ssh.""" def __init__(self, name): SSHMixin.initialize(self) = name self._loggersetup() # No cleanup needed for systems that are already provisioned self.clean = False = False self.provisioned = True # System is expected to be available already, so there's no need to # wait before trying to connect through ssh self.check_timeout = 3 self.connectivity_timeout = 60
[docs] def activecheck(self): """Check if machine is active. Given that the machine is already provisioned, it's considered to be active as long as it's reachable through ssh. """ if not try: self.pingpoll(timeout=self.connectivity_timeout, checktimeout=self.check_timeout) except utah.timeout.UTAHTimeout: self.ssh_logger.debug(format_exc()) # Ignore timeout for ping, since depending on the network # configuration ssh might still work despite the ping failure. self.logger.warning('Network connectivity (ping) failure') self.sshpoll(timeout=self.connectivity_timeout, checktimeout=self.check_timeout) = True
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